Billingsgate Market – the best place for fish

Nestled under the sky scrapers of London’s Canary Wharf is a fish market that sells the most beautiful fresh and frozen fish. Billingsgate Market opens at 0400 and closes at 0930 which is super early. It is that sort of time where you wonder if you should go to sleep at all but power through until 0300, making your way with a flask of fresh hot coffee. London, without the traffic and hustle is a magical place so it’s a joy to drive so early in the morning.

Billingsgate market

Billingsgate market

I’m always amazed at the energy that bursts from the seams at Billingsgate. The banter, the laughter and of course the fish. Billingsgate Seafood School offers tours and breakfast, which is a fantastic idea. I thought I knew a thing or two about fish but the market tours are awash with information and the tour guides are happy to answer any questions.




Posted in Billingsgate Fish Market, Markets.